The Reflectory was incorporated in 1970 in Wilton, Connecticut. We began as an entrepreneurial services company, developed into a marketing consultancy, and began full time development, sales and promotion of reflector products by 1973. The Reflectory Division, and Safety Premiums Division were formed at that time. Since then it has developed an extensive product line of unique and original reflectors for people, pets autos and bikes, as well as a complete range of industrial reflectors for photoelectric controls, traffic safety, and industrial use.
Back in 1973, the owner published the first single page flyer featuring 4 different stick-on reflector products; a square of four dots, a patch, and two sizes of strips, a 1" x 3" and a 1" x 8". They were offered plain or imprinted, and one of the first distributors to see them, New England Calendar Company out of the Hartford , CT area, liked the idea for their insurance company clients. They were presented to the Public Relations Director of Connecticut General Life Insurance Company in late October of 1973. On January 4th, 1974, because of the energy crisis, Congress had moved the beginning of daylight savings time to that date. Lo and behold, the PR director almost hit some Connecticut school children on his way to work in the dark. He remembered the reflectors he had seen and proceeded to place an order for the set of four dots, a million sets of them, enough for every school child in the state of Connecticut. And so, reflectors began their career in the promotional products marketplace.
In 2003 The Reflectory created a special catalog of reflectors for the National Safe Kids Campaign, and in 2006 a special catalog for the National Safe Routes to School program, and you may connect directly to those sites from our "Links" page.
Is there a market for imprinted promotional reflectors? Well, take a look at the results of 40+ years of work. Go to to view over 200 reflector products. Reflectors make wearers more visible in the dark and have been proven to save thousands of lives since they were first introduced. In a typical year, 30 to 35 million imprinted reflectors are now used as promotional products.
The challenges faced on introduction included explaining how reflectors could be used as imprinted promotional products, educating distributors to present them to customers with a flashlight to show how they worked, providing independent government information on why reflectors help save lives, and how reflectors could be used in effective public relations and community safety programs.
NHTSA reports that 70% of pedestrian accidents occur in the dark - highly preventable by reflectorizing the pedestrian and cyclist. Even the smallest reflector tag or sticker will make a person visible in the dark 500 feet away from headlights!